Guest Lecture “A Question of Agency” Tega Brain
April 8, 2024, 2:30 pm Seminar room 35 1010 Wien, Georg-Coch-Platz 2 1st basement
On April 8, Tega Brain will open the series. Tega Brain is an Australian-born artist and environmental engineer exploring issues of ecology, data, automation, and infrastructure. Brain is also assistant professor for Integrated Digital Media at New York University (NYU). She has created digital networks that are controlled by environmental phenomena, schemes for obfuscating personal data, and a wildly popular, online smell-based dating service. Through these provisional systems she investigates how technologies orchestrate and reorchestrate agency.
A Question of Agency
Can AI open up new possibilities for thinking about intelligence and automation? Could machine learning help us deal with vast amounts of data beyond human comprehension? Can these techniques produce a more robust representation of reality free of human judgement?
Artist Tega Brain will share a recent body of work that explores these questions of AI in the context of environmental management.