Ingeborg Reichle appointed to the programme committee of next year’s GeNeDis World Congress in Toronto, Canada
The 3rd World Congress “Genetics, Geriatrics and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research” (GeNeDis 2018) will be held from 1 to 5 May 2018 in Toronto. The conference is organized by the Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology, Department of Informatics of the Ionian University in cooperation with the Fields Institute and the CARGO Laboratory. The congress includes three of the most modern and popular disciplines: Genetics, Geriatrics and research on the prevention of Neurodegenerative Diseases, focuses on recent developments concerning the above disciplines, starting from advances in research field and the latest scientific discoveries to the clinical and pharmaceutical applications. The panel “On human enhancement and genome editing: the scope of Art & Science” is organised by Dalila Honorato (Ionian University) and Antonia Plerou (Ionian University).
Panel Description:
Research on genetics, geriatrics, and neurodegenerative diseases takes place not only in exclusively scientific spaces but it is also being explored in contemporary art. The objective of this panel is to integrate two of this conference’s topics directly connected with the theme of “Health Aging and Mental Wellness in the new digital era” which has been extensively considered through artwork creations in the field of Art & Science, those of human enhancement and genome editing. The panel “On human enhancement and genome editing: the scope of Art & Science” has the intention to present, at a conference organized to be attended by science researchers, an alternative scope on two issues extremely influential in today’s society. The objective is to provoke the dialogue between both sides of the research spectrum, science, and art, and hopefully, incite new ideas concerning future inquiring possibilities and collaborations. This special session welcomes submissions focused on theoretical, empirical, methodological, ethical issues as well as clinical studies and art presentations connected with the topics of human enhancement and genome editing.
Program Committee:
Andrew Carnie, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Bill Kapralos, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Ingeborg Reichle, Institute for Fine Arts and Media Art, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria
Kathy High, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA
Luís Graça, Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Lisbon, Portugal
María Antonia González Valerio, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
Marta de Menezes, Cultivamos Cultura, Portugal
Gunalan Nadarajan, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design, University of Michigan, USA
Polona Tratnik, Alma Mater Europaea, Slovenia
Dalila Honorato, Department of Audio and Visual Arts, Ionian University
Antonia Plerou, Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Lab, Department of Informatics, Ionian University
The of this special panel is to host innovative perspectives on up-to-date research and methods related to human enhancement and genome editing with in the frame of Art & Science.
The special session suggested issues include the following topics, nevertheless they are not limited:
Genetic modification
Gene therapy
Germ-line genetic engineering
Life-support machines
Data body augmentation
Postbiological identity
Pro-biological identity
Cognition Enhancement
Neurofeedback training
Submission: Finally, the submission and the review process, as well as the registration procedure, is similar to the main conference. To submit to this special session, please add “On human enhancement and genome editing: the scope of Art & Science” in the title of your paper during the submission process.