Ingeborg Reichle talks at metaPhorest, Waseda University, Tokyo

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von metaPhorest.

On June 5, 2019 Ingeborg Reichle will give a presentation by invitation of Georg Tremmel (BCL) at metaPhorest, a practical platform and biological laboratory for artistic researches on biological/biomedia art and bioaesthetics (founded in 2007), located within the Center for Advanced Biomedical Sciences, Waseda University. It is providing a long-term (more than several months) artist-in-residence programme for those who are interested in biology-inspired/aided/criticizing artistic activity, sharing biological facility, discussion, seminars with life scientists.

Biological science is an academic discipline researching on “what life is”, which has also been profoundly studied in the fields of philosophy, aesthetics, literature, ethics, and art, etc. metaPhorest aims for a multidisciplinary pursues of the relationship between art and science, and philosophical, aesthetic, socio-cultural implication of life and biology via artistic studies and practice. It is also interested in the aesthetic context in which biological science/technology have affected contemporary art/design, and collaborating with many domestic/foreign biomedia artists and researchers.

Director of metaPhorest (biological art/bioaesthetics platform) is Professor Hideo Iwasaki from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience, Waseda University. He is interested in the relationship among scientific, philosophical, cultural, historical and aesthetic views of life. In 2007 he founded metaPhorest, an interdisciplinary art/science (bioaesthetics) platform, where both artists and biologists share space for science and art simultaneously. Hideo has studied cyanobacterial circadian clock and morphogenesis, and is a co-founder of the Japanese synthetic biology society (Japanese Society for Cell Synthesis Research).