Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Clemens Apprich
Clemens Apprich is head of the Department of Media Theory as well as the Peter Weibel Research Institute for Digital Cultures at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, where he holds the Professorship for Media Theory and History since 2021. He studied philosophy, political science, cultural history and theory in Berlin, Bordeaux, and Vienna. In 2011 he became research associate at the Centre for Digital Cultures at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, where he was also guest professor from 2017 to 2018. From 2018 to 2019 he was a visiting research fellow at the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University in Montréal, and from 2020 to 2021 assistant professor in media studies at the University of Groningen. Apprich is still guest researcher at the Centre for Digital Culture, as well as an affiliated member of the Digital Democracies Institute at Simon Fraser University and of the Global Emergent Media Lab at Concordia University. His current research deals with filter algorithms and their application in data analysis as well as machine learning methods. Apprich is the author of Technotopia: A Media Genealogy of Net Cultures (Rowman & Littlefield International, 2017), and, together with Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Hito Steyerl, and Florian Cramer, co-authored Pattern Discrimination (University of Minnesota Press/meson press, 2019). Currently, he is working on a new book about Animated Intelligence (Amsterdam University Press, forthcoming).
Office Hours: by Appointment
Phone: +43-1-71133-3550
Email: apprich[at]uni-ak.ac.at
Showroom: Clemens Apprich
- documents/publications
- monographs
- edited books/publications
- articles
- Learning machine learning, 2023
- Die Maschine auf der Couch. Oder: Was ist schon 'künstlich' an Künstlicher Intelligenz?, 2019
- Secret Agents: A Psychoanalytic Critique of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 2018
- The Corrupt State of Artificial Intelligence: Clemens Apprich on Machine Learning and Bias, 2018
- Vom Wahn- und Wahrsprechen des technologisch Unbewussten, 2018
- Babylonian Dreams, 2017
- Daten, Wahn, Sinn, 2017
- Ora et labora (et lege): Zur Politik postdigitaler Handlungsfelder, 2016
- Rózsa Farkas: Post-Internet? Deine Mudda! Ein Gespräch von Clemens Apprich, 2016
- Tactical Media, 2016
- The Network Dynamics of Movements, 2014
- ...und natürlich kann geschlachtet werden!, 2011
- Reading the Digital City: New political technologies in the Network Society, 2011
- Teilen und Herrschen: Die "digitale Stadt" als Vorläuferin heutiger Medienpraxen, 2011
- Was bleibt? Einige Überlegungen zum Medienereignis WikiLeaks, 2011
- Protest 2.0 - Don't believe the Hype: Soziale Computernetzwerke als Gelegenheit und Herausforderung für politischen Aktivismus, 2010
- Upload Dissident Culture: Public netbase's interventions into digital and urban space, 2010
- Was soll Universität heute? Eine Sammelrezension zweier Neuerscheinungen zu den jüngsten Universitätsbesetzungen, 2010
- "Es braucht Menschen, die auf die Straße gehen!": Ein Gespräch mit Chantal Mouffe und Ernesto Laclau über radikale Demokratie und Protestmedien, 2009
- DRM... TRIPS... WIPO...: Ein kleines Glossar zum UrheberInnenrecht, 2009
- Macht und Machtlosigkeit: Ein Interview mit Saskia Sassen, 2009
- Prekär wählen, Protest leben! Ein Aufruf zur Neuverkettung, 2008
- chapters
- Digitale Wahrheitsfindung, oder: Was hat mentale Gesundheit mit Daten-Positivismus zu tun?, 2023
- Ja-Sager, 2023
- Meanwhile... Die soziale Revolution, 2023
- TensorFlow, 2023
- When Achilles met the tortoise, 2023
- Abduction, 2022
- Kommentar zu Nam June Paiks ‚Fluxus Island in Décollage Ocean‘ (1963), 2022
- Pattern Discrimination, 2022
- As We May Have Thought, 2021
- Dancing with Machines, 2021
- The Never-ending Network: A Repetitive and (thus) Differentiating Concept of Our Time, 2020
- The Paranoid Machine, 2020
- What Was the Network? A Conversation on the Possibilities and Limits of the Network Imaginary, 2020
- Media Genealogy: Back to the Present of Digital Cultures, 2017
- Mediengenealogie: Zurück in die Gegenwart digitaler Kulturen, 2017
- Paranoia, 2017
- Sovereign Media, Critical Infrastructures, and Political Subjectivity, 2016
- Remaking Media Practices: From Tactical Media to Post-Media, 2013
- The Truth Games of Radical Net Cultures, 2013
- Biopolitical Interventions in the Urban Data Space, 2012
- Von Knoten zu Knoten: Eine Einleitung, 2012
- Was wäre wenn... Nicht nur träumen von einer Gegenöffentlichkeit, 2012
- Stadt am Netz: Virtuelle Gemeinschaften regieren, 2011
- Interventionen im Datenraum: Public Netbase (1994-2006), 2010
- It's the community, stupid!: Urbane Regierungstechniken der Selbstverwaltung, 2009
- Intermission at the Combat Zone: A Review of Public Netbase's Urban and Symbolic Lines of Conflitct, 2008
- research and projects
- ASchool, 2024
- Digitale Spielgaben, 2023
- Making Change, 2013–2015
- awards and grants
- Leuphana Research Award, 2018
- fellowships and visiting affiliations
- Media & Paranoia, 2018
- exhibitions
- Fabric of Dreams, 2023
- The Eternal Network, 2020
- Taking Care of Things, 2014
- conferences & symposia
- conference contributions
- Collaborative Filtering: From Neighbors to Models to (New) Collectives, 2022
- Uncanny Times: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Contemporary Media Cultures, 2022
- 'Hey Google, repeat after me' – Some (Further) Thoughts on Machine Animation, 2021
- Animated Intelligence, 2021
- Animierte Intelligenz, 2021
- Collaborative Filtering: Eine Idee früherer Netzkulturen, 2021
- Pattern Discrimination, 2021
- Was ist schon ‘künstlich’ an künstlicher Intelligenz?, 2021
- Haunted Futures: Network Culture and Collaborative Filtering, 2020
- functions & practice
- journalistic activities
- general functions & practice
- Decolonizing Technology, 2022–2023